
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Classic Scones with Clotted Cream & Wild Rose Petal Jam

I absolutely love afternoon tea. When we were younger every now and then as a special treat on a Sunday, mum would make us a full Afternoon tea (or High Tea as it can also be called). We would literally walk into the kitchen and the table would be covered with freshly made, still warm scones, our favourite sandwiches cut up into perfect little triangles or fingers, a classic Victoria sponge (or sometimes a chocolate cake), lemon bars or tiffin cake and sometimes a quiche or other savoury treat. Since Mother's Day is approaching in the UK (April 3rd) I have decided over the next couple of weeks to make some recipes that when put together will make the perfect afternoon tea- an ideal treat for your mum on Mother's Day!

On top of that I recently received an email from Foodbuzz who are partnering with Electrolux and Kelly Ripa to raise money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund by hosting a Top 9 Takeover Tea Party. For every post created with a Tea Party theme, Foodbuzz with donate $50! Yes $50! But there's more!! You too can help raise money for such a good cause. By going to the Electrolux website you can pick the perfect outfit to wear to Kelly Ripa's Tea Party For A Cause. For every outfit picked Electrolux with donate $1 to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. It's for such a good cause so take a moment, pick a fun outfit and help raise some money!

So with two great reasons to post some Afternoon tea/ Tea party recipes, what better recipe to start with than my classic fruit scones! I have used Wild Rose Jam as I have been desperate to use it for a while, but you could easily stick to traditional strawberry or raspberry jam – whatever is your preference. The important thing is to try and eat these while they are still a little warm, with of course, a nice pot of tea!

Classic Scones with Clotted Cream & Wild Rose Petal Jam

Makes roughly 10 scones

225g/ 8oz self-raising flour
2 tsp baking powder
55g/ 2oz unsalted butter
30g/ 1oz fine granulated sugar (caster)
1 egg

Preheat the oven to 220C/ 425F/ GM 7. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and set aside.

Sieve the flour and the baking powder into a large bowl, then add the butter in small pieces and rub into the flour with your fingers, until the mixture looks like fine breadcrumbs. Add the sugar and stir well. Beat the egg in a jug and add enough milk so that it comes to 150ml/ 5fl oz. Add the egg and milk mixture a little at a time to the flour mix as you may not need it all and mix it so that it is nice and soft. Turn out on to a lightly floured work surface and continue to knead lightly until it is smooth and not sticky.

Roll out to approximately 2cm (3/4 inch) thick and then using a round cutter approximately 5cm/ 2inches in diameter cut out the scones and place on the lined baking tray. Using any leftover milk and egg mix, brush the top of each scone. If you don’t have any egg mix left simple use a little milk. Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until they are nice and golden on top.

Remove from the oven and leave to cool slightly on a wire rack.

Eat while still warm topped with a good spoonful of clotted cream and jam (or if you prefer butter and jam) and a good cup of tea!


  1. You scones look so delicious, especially with the clotted cream and jam. I can almost taste them. Scones were the first thing that I perfected in home ec class, and I have been making them ever since. I've never tried rose petal jam but it certainly looks good.

  2. The look of these scones inspires me to put a pot of tea on at this moment, something to sip while I peruse these photographs and recipe. I love how gravity is gently coaxing the jam almost over the edge. Speaking of which, I've never heard of wild rose petal jam. It has me completely intrigued! Well done, and many thanks for sharing.

  3. Lovely looking scones, I'm intrigued by the rose petal jam as well!

  4. Mmmm... I feel transported back to London with this recipe! I went there years ago, and we found a little cafe that served scones just like this and it was the most relaxing part of the trip for me! Delicious!

  5. I would love to try Rose Petal jam where did you buy it?


  6. Oooh loving the thought of rose petal jam. Dellicious looking scones you've whipped up : )

  7. They look so yummy! Love that jam :)

  8. These look so delicious! And with clotted cream too!? Yum!

  9. Oh my, those look good. Now I just need to remember the last store in which I saw rose petal jam...

  10. Lovely scones!! The rose petal jam is delicious!! Thank you, Lauren xxx

  11. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments! I love scones, mainly because I grew up with them but also because they are so easy and quick to make!

    I got the Wild Rose Petal Jam/Jelly a while ago at a market but unfortunately it seems that the person I bought it from is no longer in business (or at least her website has changed and I can't track her down online!). I am now however on a mission to find another source as it is so delicate and beautiful - it tastes like the best turkish delight!

    I'll keep you all posted once I find some more suppliers of this truly delicious treat!

  12. That jam sounds wonderful and your scones look so yummy!

  13. Your scones are gorgeous. I've never attempted rose petal jam but it looks scrumptious as well. Many thanks for sharing.

  14. Thank you all so much! I appreciate each and every comment : )
