
Monday, May 9, 2011

Baked Brie with Asparagus & Prosciutto

Asparagus is back in season and I can't think of a better way to enjoy tender, fresh asparagus than wrapped in crispy prosciutto and dipped into rich and creamy melted brie. The perfect way to celebrate the start of asparagus season!

Serves 2 for an indulgent and delicious lunch

1 small round of good quality brie
Splash of white wine
Few sprigs of thyme
12 stalks of asparagus, bottoms snapped off
6 pieces of prosciutto
Drizzle of olive oil
Squeeze of lemon juice, plus wedges to serve
Salt & freshly ground black pepper

Crostini or fresh French bread to serve

Preheat the oven to 400F. Line a baking tray with parchment paper then place the brie on top. Cut a large cross in the brie then drizzle over the white wine. Add the sprigs of thyme and a good grinding of black pepper. Bake in the oven for roughly 15-17 minutes until the brie is melted and oozing!

While the brie is baking prepare the asparagus and prosciutto. Cut each slice of prosciutto in half, lengthwise and wrap a piece of prosciutto around each stalk of asparagus.

Heat a frying pan with a little olive oil then cook the asparagus until the prosciutto is golden and starting to turn crispy. Remove from the pan and put on a serving plate. Spritz over a little fresh lemon juice and season with a little freshly ground black pepper.

When the brie is ready carefully transfer to a serving dish and serve with the asparagus and some crostini or bread. A quick and easy decadent fondue for 2!


  1. This is just beautiful, Lyndsey! What a lovely idea to dip the asparagus and can just imagine these gorgeous flavours. Great pic!

  2. I love baked brie! This looks incredible :)

  3. That looks really good, I have never had baked brie...but I am sure it is amazing!

  4. Boy that looks like heaven on a plate.

  5. Oh, my, this is my dream lunch! Just beautiful...and so delicious...all my favorites :)

  6. OH MY! What a great combinations! WOW!

  7. mmmm....lovely lunch...looks wonderful indeed.

  8. No more soft cheese recipes until after 4th October, it's not fair, it's torture! It's all I want to eat and I can't. Baked brie is is one of my all time fave restaurant starters and I can't wait to eat this whole, all to myself, in a few months! Ummmmm. Abby L x

  9. Thank you all so much! It is definitely a super delicious treat - so tasty! : )

    Abs - Im sorry! I will try my best to come up with pregnant-friendly recipes! That being said nothing beats me being 26 weeks pregnant and spending a week in Italy for my brother's wedding and not being able to eat any of the delicious cheese and hams....not to mention the wine! Nightmare!! I will never do that again!

  10. That looks incredible. I adore baked brie and I love the combination of the asparagus and ham.

  11. Three of my all time favorite foods in one delicious and gooey treat... irresistible!

  12. Thanks Nathalie and Cheryl.

    I just had it last week but every time I look at my photos I want it again - I LOVE cheese so much and melted brie is an all time favourite, especially with fresh, new season asparagus!! YUM! I hope you like it as much as I do if you give it a go : )

  13. Im not sure why but since blogger went down I have a few comments missing, so to those of you that did comment and you can't see it, im afraid they seem to have vanished into cyberspace! Thanks for the comments though - they are always greatly appreciated! : )

  14. This looks absolutely heavenly!!!

  15. Wow, as a cheese fan, I think I died and went to heaven!

  16. I love baked cheeses! This looks yummy good!

  17. I tried asparagus w/ bacon last week on the grill and it didn't end well. I like how your prosciutto wraps the the entire thing. I think next time I'll try it this way.

  18. Thanks everyone! Your comments are all so lovely and I really appreciate you all taking the time to do so!

    Gwenevere - Proscuitto works so well as it literally takes no time at all to crisp unlike bacon - you should definitely give it a go, it's so good! : )
