
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Artichoke & Pesto Dip

This dip is so versatile and in the summer is something that I love to make over and over as it takes no time, I always have the ingredients on hand and everyone loves it! It makes a perfect starter for a relaxed evening meal or lunch, and is even fantastic to take with you on picnics since you serve it at room temperature. I like to serve it in a bowl with plenty of toasted ciabatta on the side and let people help themselves, but if you prefer you could make it in advance and then just before serving spread it onto the toasted ciabatta for a quick and easy artichoke and pesto crostini. Delicious, light and all the flavours of summer!

1 large jar (or tin) of artichoke hearts (approx. 14fl oz/390g)
1 small clove of garlic
3 heaped tbsp basil pesto, either homemade or bought
Squeeze of lemon juice
2 tbsp parmesan cheese, finely grated
Salt & pepper
Drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
Fresh basil leaves to garnish

Toasted ciabatta slices to serve*
Drain the artichoke hearts and wash gently. Place in the bowl of a food processor or in a jug that you can fit a hand held blender in. Add the garlic, pesto, lemon juice and a little salt and pepper then blitz in pulses until you have a consistency you like – you want to keep some texture to this pesto. Add the grated parmesan and stir so that it is well mixed. Taste to check the seasoning then transfer to a serving dish. Drizzle with a little extra oil then garnish with a few basil leaves. Serve at room temperature with the toasted ciabatta.

*Of course you don't have to serve this with ciabatta – it's just my preference. Crudites, pita chips and even plain tortilla chips all work well with this dip.

**For an extra special treat you could also use this as a pasta sauce, just thin it down using some of the cooking water from the pasta! Yum!


  1. oh yeeeeeeeeeS! I want it with the pasta too! The dip looks terrific.

  2. Haha thanks Angie! I have to admit this is one of those dishes that I just can't stop eating...I keep going back for a little more! Super tasty and super easy! : )

  3. Yay! I am so glad you posted this recipe, I was going to ask you for it! It is unbelievably delicious, now I can make it all the time! (not joking, I might!)

  4. Oh yum... I have been looking for a good recipe like this, and yours look amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Look at how perfectly you got the grill lines on the ciabatta - so professional :)
    I love the artichoke addition to the pesto...très yummy!

  6. Oh my gosh! This on top of that beautiful ciabatta looks like heaven! What a great 'go to' recipe! Thanks for sharing it! : )

  7. This is one of those recipes to print an leave sitting on the counter for a quick go-to dip when friends are over. Nicely done!

  8. So funny, I was just looking at my artichokes last night and wondering what to do with them... problem solved! Your dip looks very yummy as does the toasted ciabatta! Thanks.

  9. This looks creamy and delicious!! Such a pretty color too!

  10. Oh I'm an artichoke junkie! This sounds delicious - perfect for quick summer appy idea

  11. This is perfect for summer. A nice change from houmous which I am eating all the time at the moment!

  12. Thank you everyone for all of your lovely comments. It's such a delicious dip and a great change from the usual! Only problem is once you try it you'll want to make it all of the time - trust me!! : )

  13. Such a versatile dip! Let's see, it would be perfect with with pasta, rice, stirred into some soup, on the spoonful.... Love it!

  14. That is gorgeous Lynds. I tend to eat artichokes just as they are but this dip sounds divine. Will be making this soon. Love that it is so versatile.

  15. That is incredible! I am really loving this recipe, thank you so much for sharing!

  16. Thanks everyone! It is incredibly versatile - a definite recipe to keep on hand and have the ingredients ready to go!

  17. Um the grill marks on the bread make this look so delish!!! I cant wait to try!

  18. I bet this is really really tasty! Lovely flavors!

  19. I love artichokes, so this dip is right up my alley! It sounds wonderful!

  20. This sounds absolutely heavenly. I love basil and artichokes. I cannot wait to try it out for this weekend. A perfect summer dip!
