
Thursday, June 16, 2011


I recently went to buy some limes and when I got to the shop they were selling HUGE bags of them for very little of course I had to buy them! Literally, there were so many limes in this bag I had no idea what to do with them, however on the next sunny day I decided to make some delicious and refreshing limeade – a twist on traditional lemonade.

{A word of warning – limeade does take a little longer to make then lemonade purely because limes are generally smaller, however it's worth persevering! For my last batch I needed 10 limes but it really depends on the size of limes that you have.}

250ml (approx.) freshly squeezed lime juice
150ml sugar syrup*
1 litre chilled sparkling or still water

To serve:
Slices of lime

In a large pitcher or jug combine the lime juice, sugar syrup and water. Taste to check the sweetness then adjust as needed so it is perfectly refreshing for your tastes. Serve in glasses with lots of ice and some thinly sliced lime. Summer in a glass!

*Sugar Syrup

At this time of year I generally always keep a jar of sugar syrup in my fridge as I use it in so many drinks. If you prefer you can use straight sugar, I just prefer the sweetness of the syrup and you don't have to worry about dissolving the sugar in the drink. To make sugar syrup simply combine equal quantities of water and sugar in a sauce pan and bring to a simmer, making sure the sugar has dissolved (don't worry – unlike when you are making caramel you can stir this!). Once dissolved allow to simmer for a few more minutes until it starts to thicken ever-so-slightly, then remove from the heat and allow to cool.

For this particular recipe I would suggest using 125g of sugar (1/2 cup) and 125ml (1/2 cup water), but as I said I tend to make more than this and just keep it in the fridge where it will last for a good week or two (if you can keep it that long!).


  1. sounds absolutely refreshing!! This would be great for mojitos!

  2. mmmm looks so refreshing Lynz!!!! where did you get that cute bottle?

  3. I love limeade! It is one of those things that I have always loved. Sonic has a cherry limeade that I cannot resist! hehe

  4. Thanks everyone!

    Sabrina you are so right! I did mean to put at the bottom of the post for an adult treat you could replace some of the water with vodka (or rum if you want a mojito) and add a sprig or 2 of mint! Guess I forgot - might have to add it in as it's Friday!!

    Tereza - actually the bottle is from Superstore!! I bought it a few months ago as soon as I saw it - Im now just wishing I had grabbed a few! I think maybe places like Art Knapp have something similar including beautiful coloured ones (although they won't be as cheap as the one I got).

    RavieNomNoms - Cherry limeade sounds delish!! And since its now cherry season im thinking I might have to make up a cherry syrup to add to this! Thanks for the idea! : )

  5. We LOVE Limeade in our house! I am so freaking excited to give this a try asap! Thank you so much for sharing!

  6. Oh this looks so refreshing and delicious! Love all the limes!! Wish I had a huge pile of those - my store does not seem to sell them in mass quantities :(

  7. My mom used to make orangeade when we were growing up... but never limeade. SUCH a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  8. This brings back memories. I used to drink limeade a lot when I was a kid. I think I'd like to try making some of these beverages. I wonder, where do you find the bottle you pictured? : )

  9. Sounds amazing! I love that it is so summery and it looks really pretty!

  10. On a hot summer day, what can one aspire than this coll and refreshing limeade? Loved it.

  11. Lyndsey, this is making my mouth water, just looking at your gorgeous photos. Sounds so refreshing on a hot summer's day.

  12. I have to get a cherry limeade every so often at one of our local drive-in burger & shake places. Would love to be able to make a big pitcher of them at home even more. Thanks for the recipe.

  13. during warm summer days nothing beats chilled lemonade..nice pic :)

  14. Oh that looks so lovely, must try it, next time I shop I'll be getting Limes :-)

  15. Thanks everyone! It really is such a lovely refreshing drink - perfect for summer!

    Anne - I actually got the bottle from a local supermarket a while ago, however I've seen them in garden centres/shops as well. You just need to keep an eye out for them!
