
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mango & Strawberry Smoothie

You can't beat making up a smoothie in the morning to get you going for breakfast or a mid-morning snack. This Mango & Strawberry Smoothie is so quick and easy to make and super healthy too so you really can't go wrong!

1 cup of strawberries, washed & hulled
1 ripe, juicy mango
125ml natural yogurt (I like probiotic yogurt)
Splash of apple juice or other juice of your choice to thin
Ice (optional)

Half or quarter the strawberries then pop into a blender. Cut the 'cheeks' off the mango (the long thin stone runs down the middle of the mango so try to cut just to the side of it), then score in a criss-cross pattern before turning the piece of mango inside out. Gently cut through the bottom of the cubes closest to the skin letting the cubes of mango tumble into the blender. Cut any extra pieces off the skin that you have missed then carefully trim around the stone to get as much of the flesh off as possible. Add the yogurt and a splash of juice and blend until smooth. Check the consistency and if needed add a little more juice. If you like and your fruit isn't cold, add a few ice cubes to a glass then serve at once and enjoy.

*Try changing the fruits depending on what's in season, for example instead of strawberries why not try blackberries. And of course there's no need to miss out in the winter months, just use good quality frozen berries instead. 


  1. A perfect start up in the morning! Thanks.

  2. I'm always looking for train-friendly breakfasts for my long commute. This looks great and would be so fast to prepare in the morning!

    1. It's perfect for that! And to be honest the other day I made it the night before for my husband to take with him as he was up super early and I popped it in the freezer so that by the time he was ready to have it it had melted but was still slightly slushy and super cold! It was a hit! (And the left overs that I kept for myself were perfect in the fridge overnight!) : )

  3. This looks lovely. I never tried mango before so now I'm just looking for some really cool recipes where I can use it, this one is definitely one of them :)

    1. Thanks, I hope you enjoy it! Here is another recipe that includes Mango.... It's one of my Favourites... Prawn, Avocado & Mango Salad with Thai Dressing... Enjoy!! :)
