
Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Birthday 'Top Hats'!

For as long as I can remember if there was a Birthday in our house there were 'Top Hats' - one of my mum's specialties that were loved by all. I have continued with the tradition and so for Wee One's first Birthday they of course had to feature! As I mentioned in my January post 'I'm back!' it was Wee One's Birthday on the 27th of December so we marked the special occasion with a proper kid's Birthday Party. It was only right therefore that Top Hats were on the menu – even if they were for the benefit of the adults! I haven't yet had a chance to post the recipes from over Christmas but since today is my mum's birthday I just had to make them to celebrate!

Happy Birthday Mum – hat's off to you!! ; )

Makes 15 Top Hats {14 if you want to lick the chocolate bowl!} (Easily doubled or tripled!)

100g good quality milk chocolate
15 marshmallows
15 Smarties
15 Small Paper Case

Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of barely simmering water. When melted place a teaspoon in each paper case so that the bottom is completely covered. Put a marshmallow on top of the chocolate then add a little bit of chocolate to the top of the marshmallow add top with a Smartie. Leave to set then serve and enjoy! A fun treat for everyone.

(And incase you're wondering why they are called 'Top Hats'....... peel off the paper case to reveal a fun and tasty 'top hat'!).......

A few photos from Wee One's Birthday Party ......


  1. Happy Birthday to your dear mom! Top hats look so lovely.

  2. Oh these look fab, and I love the children's party spead

  3. How festive and whimsical! Hope everyone had fun at your son's birthday party. The table and cake were so colorful.

  4. How fun! I want to be one again so I can have this kind of party! :D

  5. Thanks everyone!

    Angela - we had so much fun! Even though it was a very busy time we all had a great time.

    Tiffany - It's so much fun - so much fun infact that I do it for everyone - adults included!!

  6. Everything looks super yummy!Happy B-Day :)

  7. What a great tradition to carry over for your kids! The birthday spread looks amazing, and I bet these top hats were a huge hit. :)

  8. Wow, what a gorgeous cake, table, array of goodies! Cute top hats, too! My not so wee one has a birthday on the 27th, as well :)

  9. I love all the pics! I hope it was a good party. Great job!

  10. Oh my actual God, marshmallow top hats!! My mum used to make these every birthday for me and my little bro - who turned 30 this week- eek! I had made them since for my own children and forget Proust's madeleines, these are the real deal! So nice to see them invade the blogosphere... xx

  11. Looks like you had a wonderful time! The cake and top hats are super cute! :)

  12. How whimsical! I love the idea of these--and the fact that they're nice and simple to prepare. They'd be great with hundreds & thousand sprinkles on the bases, too.

  13. How cute are those?!I think my kids would go nuts over these! Love it and happy B-day to your mom!

  14. Thanks everyone! I think the best part about them is that children (and adults!) absolutely love them but they are SO so easy to make!

    Stephanie - I love the idea of using hundreds and thousands on the base and will definitely be doing that next time! Thanks! : )

  15. What a great looking party. Look at that table of goodies! It's so funny. My daughter made these the other day for her Brownie Hostess badge but we had no idea they were called Top Hats. That sounds so much more fun than marshmallow bites! Thanks, Lyndsey.

  16. How fun! And they look delicious! Your whole birthday spread looks amazing!!!
