
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nominations and Awards!

To my surprise and delight I have been nominated for Babble's Top 100 Food Mom Bloggers of 2011! Now although I don't call myself 'mom' I am certainly a 'mum' that loves to blog about food and so it is really lovely to have someone nominate me. If you like my blog and you have a moment,  please stop by Babble's site and click that you like my blog (probably the easiest way to find it from the link I have given is to go alphabetically) - you will make me so happy!!

On top of that I have been awarded some more blogger awards so I want to say my thank yous for that as well! Thank you to Cheryl & Adam from Picture Perfect Meals and also to Sarah from Narcoleptic in a Cupboard who both awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award. And a big shout out to Jill Colonna from Mad About Macarons (who not only has a wonderful blog but has her very own beautiful and delicious book on Macarons!!) who has just shared so many awards with me! (Literally there must be every bloggers award under the sun there!) I am so thrilled and touched to receive all of the awards. For me just to know someone out there is reading my blog and enjoying it is fantastic, but to actually get some praise from fellow bloggers is really the icing on the cake. Thank you all so much for taking the time to look at my blog and especially those of you who leave me comments. I really do appreciate it more than I can ever put into writing.

Thank you all!

Lynds x

*Since it was only recently that I mentioned the first awards that I received I won't bore you all with another 7 facts about me but if you are interested and would also like to see who I passed the awards on to click here. (I will pass these new awards on, I would just like to wait a little while before doing so - hope you don't mind!)



  1. Hey there. I'm a FoodBuzz friend, stopping by to catch up on your blog!! Very cool and congrats on the nominations and awards!! You deserve it!
    Cheers *Kelly

  2. Thanks Kelly! Please stop by anytime! : )
