
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ham & Pineapple Pizza

I absolutely love a good pizza! During my pregnancy when I had the worst morning sickness, pizza turned out to be pretty much the only thing that didn't turn my stomach and make me ill!! It therefore has to go down in my top 10 things to eat! That being said it has to be a perfectly cooked, thin crust pizza. My favourite pizzas are generally wood fired pizzas that have that thin crust with little trapped air pockets that are slightly crisp and charred but still delicious and chewy at the same time. Unfortunately not many of us are lucky enough to have access to a wood fire so instead I go to the next best thing (which is also conveniently easily accessible) – the barbecue. If the barbecue is still too much of a stretch (which during the winter it tends to be) then this pizza is still fantastic in the oven (and the best option if you are a fan of thick crust pizzas).

This is my basic pizza recipe which is fail-proof and even more importantly, makes the most delicious pizza. Whether you want thin or thick crust, baked or barbecued this pizza will delight every time! {Although I really suggest trying it on the BBQ!}

The quantity for the toppings are enough for one large pizza. Normally I'll make a Ham & Pineapple pizza and then a Salami and Garlic Mushroom pizza (recipe will follow soon) or classic Margarita with the remaining dough. Obviously add your favourite toppings but if you are barbecuing it, keep it simple so that everything cooks properly.

Makes 2 large pizzas or 4 individual ones – freezes well.

Pizza base:
2 tsp active dry yeast
½ tsp caster sugar
1 ½ cups/ 375ml/ 12fl oz warm water
4 cups/ approx. 1lb 4oz plain or all-purpose flour
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp salt

Tomato sauce:
1 tbsp olive oil
1 large clove of garlic, crushed
400g tin of crushed tomatoes or passata
2 tsp dried oregano
Pinch of chilli flakes {optional}
1 tsp of sugar
Salt and pepper

150g black forest ham {or your choice of ham}
½ large tin of pineapple pieces in natural juice, drained {or you could use fresh pineapple}
2 balls of fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced
Maldon sea salt & freshly ground black pepper
Small handful fresh basil leaves, finely sliced
Extra virgin olive oil

Place the yeast and sugar in a small bowl or jug and add the water. Set aside for 5 minutes to allow the yeast to activate. Meanwhile put the flour & salt in a large bowl and make a well in the middle. Add the olive oil to the water and yeast mixture then add to the flour.

If you are using a stand mixer attach the dough hook and mix on slow until the dough forms a ball. At that point allow the dough to be kneaded for a further 2-3 minutes. If you are kneading the dough by hand, slowly incorporate the yeast and oil mixture with the flour and then knead until it begins to form a smooth dough.

Transfer the dough onto a floured board or work surface and continue to knead until it is smooth and elastic – you shouldn’t need to do this if you used a stand mixer. (It should be soft to the touch and should spring back if you press it gently.)

Sprinkle a little flour into a large bowl and then put the dough into it. Cover with a clean dish towel and set aside in a warm place for at least 1 hour or until the dough has risen and doubled in size.

While the dough is rising, make the tomato sauce. Heat the oil in a pan and add the crushed garlic. Gently sauté for a minute, being careful not to brown it. Add the tomatoes to the garlic along with the oregano, chilli (if using), sugar, salt and pepper. Stir well then leave to simmer and reduce slightly for 30 minutes. When it looks ready, taste to check the seasoning and then set aside to cool.

To barbecue the pizza, divide the dough into 2 pieces for 2 large pizzas or 4 for smaller ones. Roll out each piece of dough on a floured surface until you get the thickness that you like (thin works really well). Brush the top of one large pizza (or two small ones) with some olive oil then place the oiled side on a preheated barbecue over a very low heat. While the under side is cooking brush the top with some more olive oil. Once the bottom is slightly charred and golden brown, flip the pizza over then spoon the tomato sauce onto the cooked side (as much as you like).

Top with the ham before scattering over the pineapple pieces. Finish with the sliced mozzarella then put the lid down on the barbecue and leave for a few minutes, allowing the bottom to cook and the cheese to melt on top. When the pizza is ready, scatter over some fresh basil leaves, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a good sprinkling of Maldon sea salt. Amazing!

*To cook in the oven, preheat it to 415F. Roll the pizza dough out and either put on a baking tray or a pizza stone. Spoon over some of the tomato sauce, toppings of your choice then top with the mozzarella. Cook in the oven for 12-15 minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbling and the pizza dough golden. Before serving, drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil over the pizza and scatter with the fresh basil leaves and some Maldon sea salt.


  1. Hawaiian pizza is my absolute favourite pizza, yours looks gorgeous and absolutely delicious!

  2. Now that is what I call a pizza - look at that beautiful thin base! Mouthwatering and love the idea of it on the barbie. Bon App!

  3. This looks delish! So far our attempts at pizza on the grill (charcoal grill) have been fail. But maybe with a gas grill?

  4. Lynz this looks so delicious! I'm going to have to make one of these sometimes soon!

  5. hawaiian pizza made on the grill!!! it doesnt get better than that! I love your ingredients here! well done!

  6. Well, lucky you that it was pizza that didn't make you feel ill. For me it was fruit corner yoghurts and sandwiches made with cheap white bread and mild cheddar (neither of which I can look at now - still)

    That pizza looks just beautiful. My tiny barbecue is too small for something like that, but I'm sure it will be great in my oven, too

  7. Thanks everyone - short of sitting in a little restaurant eating a perfect, thin crust pizza in Italy, this pizza is fantastic!

    Cooking with Abandon - I've never tried it on our charcoal BBQ, just the gas one. I really want to though - but im just not sure how it will work as you need a really low heat...will let you know how I get on once I've tried it! Gas BBQ definitely no probs!

    Greedy Rosie - it's about the only thing that didn't make me sick at one point or another! Garlic was the worst culprit but thankfully I got over that as I'm a garlic lover! That being said I still try and avoid rice crackers now!!!
    It definitely works well in the oven - I cook it that way whenever the weather isn't cooperating! : )

  8. The best pizza I had was at a little restaurant in Italy, so if this is the next best thing, it's bookmarked and on my list of to-try. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  9. It's my pleasure - I hope you enjoy it! : )

  10. I can taste this ham & pineapple pizza through the screen. It sure looks good...luv the sweet and salty combination on the pizza! =)

  11. Thanks Cristina! This seems to have become a favourite of ours recently and I can't get enough of it! Great combination of flavours that are classic and therefore great! : )

  12. I love pizza on the grill! Unfortunately we don't own a grill yet. Sigh. This looks delish. I think this is my first time to your site. I love it :)

  13. Thanks Katrina!Thank you for visiting my site - I'm delighted that you like it!

    That's too bad about the grill : ( although I have to admit if it wasn't for my husband I very much doubt I would have one! He's had a BBQ since he was 16 and without it I think he might have starved at Uni!

    Pop by again soon! : )

  14. Ham and Mushroom Pizza is the only thing I can eat at the moment. It's been a life saver. But once my morning sickness hopefully passes (I'm 11 weeks) I'm definently going to try your Ham and Garlic Mushroom one and the other :)

    1. You poor thing! I know how you feel though - I had really bad morning/ all day(!) sickness when I was pregnant! I hope it passes soon and you can try these pizzas and actually enjoy them! Pizza was high on my "can eat, won't make me sick" list as well.... That and Tomato Soup and Cheese Toasties! Feel better soon and congratulations :)
