
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I realise that I seem to be going through a real 'green' theme with my latest posts but I can honestly say it's the season and I can't think of anything better than fresh, vibrant green food! So here is another green recipe – an all time favourite of mine – Guacamole!

I think I've mentioned before that I'm a real condiments person – I love them and my fridge is testament to that with its overflowing top shelf and door crammed full with them! It therefore goes hand in hand that I love dips – all kinds of dips, but when the sun is shining I can't think of anything nicer than a big bowl of freshly made guacamole. I like to keep my guacamole very simple but if you prefer feel free to add some spring onions (green onions) and some chopped tomatoes to yours. Either way it will still be an absolutely delicious and fresh guacamole. All you need to go with it are some tortilla chips and perhaps a nice cold drink.

4 ripe avocados
2 small cloves of garlic, crushed
1 chilli, finely chopped (optional)
Juice of 2 limes (depending on how juicy they are)
Small handful of coriander {cilantro}, finely chopped
Salt and Pepper

Cut the avocados in half then remove the stone. Peel the avocados then chop and put into a large serving bowl. Add the garlic, chilli, lime, ¾ of the coriander and seasoning and mash well but retaining some chunks of avocado for texture. Check for seasoning and that there is enough lime juice then top with the remaining coriander and serve with tortilla chips and perhaps an ice cold beer or refreshing glass of limeade!


  1. I love guacamole! thanks for the recipe.

  2. Oooh i have never added corriander before. I am going to have to give that a try next time I make some guac!

  3. Thanks ladies!

    Lindselicious - I am a huge lover of coriander and I can't imagine guacamole without it! For me it just finishes it off perfectly! Let me know if you like it when you next try it! : )

  4. So not fair ;) - I really want to like coriander, and it seems to be in so many recipes but my taste buds just do not like it, sigh. I will persevere while enjoying my basil too.

  5. Haha....I totally understand husband and sis are both non-likers of coriander so I have to watch myself! However that being said, this is still great without and you could definitely try adding some basil to it instead! Let me know how it tastes! : )

  6. I love guacamole and your guac looks delicious! I like to add in some chopped tomatoes and red onions from time to time.

  7. I used to add tomatoes to mine but my husband is a tomato-hater so I now miss them out! Although I have to admit I have been converted to the purist variety of all green! That being said both versions are delicious and you can't beat a little red or green onion! All fabulous and yummy! : )
