
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Artichokes with Garlic Butter Dipping Sauce

As with cherries, artichokes are another seasonal treat well worth waiting for! I get so excited when artichokes are finally in season again. For me they are the ultimate spring and summer treat and make a delicious and elegant starter when the leaves are dipped into an indulgent garlic butter sauce. Don't be put off by them if you have never cooked your own before – this is a great recipe for starting off and getting used to them. Easy and delicious – this is seasonal food at it's best!

Serves 2 (easily doubled)

2 globe artichokes
½ lemon
100g butter
1 fat clove of garlic, crushed
1-2 tbsp white wine
Salt & freshly ground black pepper

Trim the bottom off the artichoke stalks and remove any tough leaves from the bottom.

Using a large pan add a couple of inches of boiling water then add a squeeze of lemon juice. Put a steamer on top of the water and steam the artichokes for 45-60 minutes until tender. (If you don't have a steamer you can just put them straight in the water.)

When the artichokes are almost finished steaming make the garlic butter dipping sauce. In a small saucepan add the butter along with the garlic, white wine, a little lemon zest and a little salt and pepper. Gently heat until melted then keep warm until ready to serve.

When the artichokes are ready {the leaves come away easily when pulled} remove from the pan and allow to cool slightly before serving. To eat the artichokes break off a leaf then dip the broken part (the bottom) into the garlic butter then gently 'scrape' the tender flesh away with your teeth. The closer you get to the heart of the artichoke the more tender the leaves become so you can eat more! Once you get to the heart of the artichoke remove the hairy 'choke' (I just use a teaspoon) then you can eat the heart which is by far the best part! The ultimate spring treat!

*You could also serve my cheat's aioli as a delicious dipping sauce for the artichokes or for a slightly healthier choice a Spanish Romesco sauce or for the ultimate in decadence serve with some rich hollandaise sauce!

*One Year Ago - Proscuitto Wrapped Chicken Stuffed with Mozzarella & Pesto


  1. I love artichoke season! Produce is the best part about summer.

  2. I'm not sure if it's blasphemous but I've never actually had whole artichoke before, just the hearts in oil or canned.

  3. I totally agree Jackie! Summer is by far my favourite season. Not sure if it's cause thats when I was born or just because I love all of the produce available then! So many treats!

    Leanna - haha not at all! I put off trying whole artichokes for years cause I was so intimidated by them but this recipe is a perfect one for starting with as its so easy and so delicious! Give it a go! : )

  4. I do love artichokes and it is one of the veg that we grow as it doesn't need any attention. I tend to let hubby prep them though and make dip or dressing.

  5. Simple yet delicious - perfect summer food

  6. These looks simple and delicious! Artichokes kind of scare me for some unknown reason! Some day I need to get over it and make them!

  7. I love the idea of adding the garlic rather than just a plain vinaigrette. My husband always goes a bit potty with artichokes and buys too many each time and clogs up my veggie drawer! So must have to try this one.

  8. They must be delicious! I think I'd prefer recipe this over the breaded one.
