I have good old Starbuck's to thank for this drink...I discovered it last summer when I was in Vancouver for a few days, hot and desperately in need of something chilled and refreshing to quench my thirst. It's now one of my favourite drinks to have on a sunny day. Quite simply it's just lemonade with some chilled Passion Tea added, but honestly you have to try it – it is such a delicious spin on traditional lemonade. Try it for a change – it's the perfect drink to take along to a picnic.
Makes 1 large pitcher – enough for 4-6 glasses
2 Passion Tea teabags (I use Tazo but you could use any Passion Tea you have)
Freshly squeezed juice of 6 juicy lemons – approx. 250 ml
1 litre chilled still or sparkling water
Lemon slices (optional) & plenty of ice for serving
Start by steeping the tea. I put both the tea bags into my tea pot and fill it with boiling water. Leave to steep for 5-10 minutes, then remove the teabags and allow the tea to cool completely.
When you are ready to serve the lemonade mix together the lemon juice and sugar syrup in a large pitcher, then add the chilled water. Taste to check the sweetness and adjust if necessary. Add plenty of ice and slices of lemon to the pitcher. To serve you can either add some passion tea directly to the pitcher of lemonade of if you prefer keep them separate and just top up each glass of lemonade with roughly 1/3 of chilled passion tea – this way you get the two toned effect which makes this drink not only taste delicious but is also beautiful to look at.
*For an alternative serving suggestion, once you have made the tea and it has chilled, freeze it in an ice cube tray for individual passion tea ice cubes which will slowly melt into the lemonade!