
Friday, April 13, 2012

Roast Lamb Baguette

One of the best things about having a Roast dinner is what you can do with the left-overs after. For Easter Monday we slowly barbecued a boneless and butterflied leg of lamb. It was probably the best Roast Lamb we've ever done and despite eating way more than we should have, we still had plenty left for several other meals. Up first was this delicious Roast Lamb Baguette. Since the lamb was barbecued on the charcoal BBQ it had a lovely mellow smokiness so I decided the best option was to keep the Baguette nice and refreshing and go for some Greek flavours with plenty of crisp greens, fresh mint and a Tzatziki inspired mayo. If you are in a real hurry you could always substitute bought Tzatziki for the Tzatziki mayonnaise – both will taste fantastic.

Serves 2 {easily doubled}

2 fresh and crispy subs (or other bread of your choice such as a French baguette)
Garlic or normal olive oil
2 handfuls of rocket (arugula) (or if you prefer you could use baby spinach or other salad greens of your choice)
Cucumber, thinly sliced
Left-over Roast Lamb sliced or shredded into pieces
Few thin slices of red onion
Small fresh mint leaves
Salt & Pepper

For the 'Tzatziki' Mayo:
2 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp natural Greek Yogurt
1 small garlic clove or ½ large one, crushed
1 spring onion, finely chopped
1 heaped tbsp fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
1 heaped tbsp fresh dill, finely chopped
Squeeze of lemon juice
Drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper

To make the Tzatziki Mayonnaise simply combine all of the ingredient in a small bowl and mix well. Taste to check the seasoning and adjust as necessary. Keep in the fridge until ready to use.

Slice the subs or bread in half and drizzle with a little garlic or regular olive oil. Toast on a griddle pan, on a BBQ or under a grill until just golden and crisp.

Slather some of the Tzatziki Mayo on the bottom of the sub (if you like you can also add some to the top) so that it is well covered. Top with the rocket (arugula), cucumber, roast lamb, onion slices and a sprinkling of small mint leaves. Finish with some salt and pepper then pop the top of the baguette on top and enjoy!

*I couldn't resist a little Siracha hot sauce on my Baguette for a bit of spice which was fantastic, however this was definitely an optional extra.


  1. Ohh this is right up my boyfriend's alley, he would LOVE this! :)

  2. I live recipes that incorporate leftovers. This sounds fantastic!

  3. That looks lovely. I don't have any left now, mores the pity.

  4. Simply beautiful. I could eat this up...but my husband might beat me to it.

  5. Thank you everyone! It is definitely one of my favourite things to do with left-over Roast Lamb and means I get extra excited about having a Roast Lamb knowing this will follow!! : )

  6. Absolutely lovely. Now I wish I had thought to have taken some lamb home from my in-laws this year...
