
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sweet Heat # 7

So far this year Sweet Heat has challenged you to Rock Indian food and make some Spicy Spanish Tapas, and so now I thought it would be nice to take a trip to South East Asia for some Spicy Thai Food! With Spring just around the corner (apparently!) I love the light, fresh and vibrant flavours of Thai cooking which of course includes plenty of spicy heat. On top of that the Songkran Festival which is Thai New Year begins on April 12th this year, so what better way to celebrate that to indulge in plenty of aromatic Thai food. Due to the vastness of this months theme you have plenty of options – it can be sweet, savoury, a starter, main course, soup, street food or even a Thai inspired condiment – whatever you like, it just has to include chillies of some form (and they don't necessarily have to be Thai chillies!). So transport yourself and your kitchen and take a journey to beautiful Thailand and start cooking some spicy Thai food to invigorate and excite your taste buds.

As always the usual rules apply......
  • You must mention Sweet Heat in your post with a link back to this site. You are more than welcome to also include the Sweet Heat Logo on your post but it's not mandatory.

  • Send your post url, your name and a photo of your creation to no later than April 27th.
  • You can create your own recipe or make your favourite recipe but please credit the original source if using someone else's, and please if using someone else's recipe, you must write the directions in your own words!

  • You can enter as many times as you like. The more the merrier!

  • Your entry must include chillies of some description, after all that is what this challenge is all about.

  • If you tweet your recipe use the hashtag #sweetheat and tag me @LyndseyFleenor and I will re-tweet it! You can also post the link of your entry on my facebook page.

This month you have until April 27th to enter, so what are you waiting for?... Can you handle the heat?!


  1. Ooh I'm loving Thai food and it's about time I joined in!! I have some chicken thighs with your name on them!!

    1. Fantastic!! Can't wait to see what you make with your chicken thighs : )

  2. Nice theme for the month. I miss Spain but hope to join for Thailand!

  3. Fantastic! Thai food is always a challenge for me to cook but it's worth it. The tastiness and the superb aroma of the herbs, the flavor and the texture of the ingredients all rolled into one are enough to make me drool!:)

    1. Unfortunately as far as this challenge goes Thai was the theme for April...but don't let that stop you from making some delicious spicy Thai food! If you want to take part in this month's theme head over to Souperiors blog who is hosting this month and it's all about spicy Mexican food!! YUM!
