
Thursday, July 12, 2012

M.I.A {Aka 5 Flights; 2 Hen Parties and 1 Fantastic Wedding in the last 5 weeks....And now I'm back!!}

I can't believe that it's been over 7 weeks since my last blog post! To be honest I do have a good excuse for being M.I.A but still, where has the time gone? It didn't help that just after my last post my computer crashed and despite being able to back-up quickly before everything crashed completely, something went wrong and the back-up didn't back-up! (Grrrr!) Needless to say with everything else I had to get organised for my upcoming trip home I decided just to give up and give myself a break from blogging. I certainly didn't intend for it to be quite such a break but with everything that had to be done leading up to the wedding and the fact that the internet connection where my parents live is terrible, access to my little laptop was pretty much non-existent! So that's part of the story about my whereabouts! The rest of the story is all about the lead up to my sisters wedding (which was the most fantastic day ever!) which included amongst the usual last minute wedding prep not one but 2 fantastic hen parties!

So where to start?! Well it's hard to believe it but 5 weeks ago Wee One and I made our way back to the UK for the wedding and of course a trip home to see everyone. After a quick break in the journey to spend a night with my brother and sister-in-law, we continued up to Scotland to my parents house where we stayed for the majority of the month. Arriving Monday afternoon and first on the agenda was to finalise all the organisation of Hen Party number 1 which was a weekend away in a remote little village with 20 girls! Everything was pretty much kept Top Secret to prevent the bride-to-be from finding anything out and it worked – it was all a complete surprise and thankfully one that she loved! Needless to say the few days leading up to it were a flurry of shopping, cooking and last minute planning along with a quick trip to Edinburgh to go to a dress fitting for her! There was definitely no time for jet lag to get in the way. Thankfully though everything worked out and although a little late and frazzled due to getting slightly lost(!) on the way to the house it all went according to plan and we had the most fantastic weekend where I think most of us went home with sore muscles from laughing so much!

In the three weeks that followed between the Hen Weekend and the Big Day so much happened! Lots of wedding preparation, visits with family and friends, a second Hen Party Lunch, make-up trials, lunches(I was 'on holiday' after all!!) family meals prior to the wedding, and not forgetting making and decorating 142 cupcakes with Mum for the wedding! I guess it's no wonder it went by so quickly because just like that it was the morning of the wedding. The cake was assembled, the flowers arranged, the marquee ready and church organised – everything was good to go. The day was perfect – a remarkably chilled out morning getting ready with even time for a glass of Prosecco with our lunch and before we knew it they were saying their vows in front of us all and had finally become husband and wife! The reception that followed was perfect....the rain held out long enough for us to get photos outside with some Prosecco and canapes and then once inside we heard 3 great speeches before devouring a fantastic meal where the star of the show was a roast hog – amazing! There was much laughter and dancing as the evening continued into the small hours and all in all it really was a fabulous day.

Now just like that we are back and it is all over with. I can't be too sad though as it was a wonderful (although extremely busy!) month filled with so much laughter and fun and time with family and friends. Now it's time to chill out with our family and friends in Canada and enjoy this beautiful weather which we definitely didn't see in Scotland(!) which means I'm feeling ready to be inspired and start cooking and blogging again.....besides I still have the Hen Weekend to share with you all ; )


My beautiful sister (and best friend) and her new husband! Congratulations again - love you so much. Cheers! xxx


  1. Yay! You are back Lynds :-) What a lovely tale of what sounds like a fun packed few weeks. You had a ball!
    Glad the rain stayed off for the photos - your sister looks very pretty and happy on her special day :-)

  2. Thank you both so much - it really was an amazing month! : )

  3. You have been missing in action on here, but very selfishly I am delighted I had you at home for what was the most amazing time in my life. Wouldn't have been so without the help from my family, friends most of all my sister who was my maid of honor/wedding planner extordinaire!! This girl does more than cook!! Thank you so much Lynds, the effort you put into the wedding and hen party was unbelievable, and when I got stressed you always managed to calm me down, and within a tiny amount of time produce a list (!) which ensured everything was achieved!! I did have the most perfect hen party and wedding day and so much of that was down to you and I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. So excited to see the upcoming posts....just wait till everyone sees what was the best wedding cake in the world (you and mum are amazing!)
    Love you loads L xxx
