
Monday, July 23, 2012

Random Recipes # 18 - Something a little different

Sagging Bookshelves # 1 & 2
{unfortunately with the bed being in the way you can't see that there is another row underneath}

Having been absent from the last couple of Random Recipe Challenges I couldn't resist taking part in this one since this month the lovely Dom of Belleau Kitchen (and host of Random Recipes) challenged us to something quite different. Rather than cooking randomly from one of our books, the challenge was instead to photograph and share where we keep our books. Now I know most people have been posting theirs with lovely “normal” sized shelves located in different rooms throughout their homes but for me that's not quite the case......(and no I don't have any in my bathroom!!)

You see any guest walking into our house for the first time would quite rightly be forgiven for thinking they had taken a wrong turn when walking into the guest room. For this is not your usual guest room – instead it looks like as if by magic and in the blink of an eye you have some been transported to a different place altogether. Most accurately it looks like you have walked into a small but cozy book shop! The sight of all of the books is perhaps a little overwhelming but once I let everyone know they are actually all cookbooks the reaction turns to complete disbelief!

The walls on two sides are lined with bookshelves which are crammed beyond belief with hundreds and hundreds of cookbooks (631 at last count – give or take!) and if it wasn't for the bed taking up the rest of the room it really would not resemble a guest room at all. I can't imagine Martha Stewart putting her guests up in such accommodation!!!

Bookshelves 3 & 4
To me however it is my favourite room in the house (which is saying something considering I've put it before my kitchen!!). It is warm and cozy and at times when I get a spare moment I can think of nothing better to help me to relax than to come through and lie on the bed and read a cookbook or two – even more so if I have a glass of wine with me!

I've tried to organise them as best as I can and being the ridiculously over-the-top person I am when it comes to things like that they seem to be fairly organised....Celebrity chefs start the collection off then on to restaurant cookbooks; reference and technique books; home cooking and cookbooks published by magazines; desserts, chocolate and drinks then ending that one side of the wall is baking (phew!).

Next wall is all regional including Indian; Asian; Middle Eastern; Mexican; French; Spanish; Portugese; Greek; Italian (lots of Italian!) and British! The last two shelves on the smallest bookcase are specialty books including Meat; Soup; Fish and Vegetarian!!! The books on the very top shelves are there as I had run out of room on the other shelves so are a bit of a mixture! Wow – that's a lot of categories and I guess a lot of books!

The majority of the books were inherited but still I can't stop myself from buying new books throughout the year. In fact that last remaining space on the top of the smallest shelf which is meant for guests to put their bits and pieces on(!) is now home to the books that are the latest additions to my collection which I managed to cram into my suitcase after this last recent trip home to Scotland! Some are brand new, others are ones I bought last time I was back but didn't have room for. I still have about 50 or so books sitting in my bedroom shelves in Scotland so whenever I'm home I always try and bring a few back.....but then I can also never resist buying some new ones as well!! You would think I would learn especially since I actually don't have any space left for them but I'll always find somewhere and so I will always continue to buy more books!

So there you have it – my cookbook room filled with plenty of books to help you sleep at night (or alternatively just make you incredibly hungry right before you go to sleep!) I do have a small shelf of books in the living room next to the kitchen (open plan Canadian style house so the living room literally is right next to the kitchen!) which is where I try and put the books I'm using/ reviewing and basically just wanting some inspiration from! I say small shelf but it still holds 35 books which I am aware is probably what most people would have for their entire collection, but there you have it! Worst of all is that I still have close to the same amount of books packed away in boxes in storage....for those I need a bigger house! And don't even get me started on my magazine collection which just might happen to fill the bottom of the wardrobe in the spare room!!! Sorry guests!! 
The bookshelf in the living room.
{Maybe this challenge should have been called "Where's Nigella" since everyone seems to have her tucked away somewhere!}


  1. You are a true addict, lovely collection.

    1. Ha ha yes I really am.....just can't resist, especially if it's a great deal! I have images of myself when I'm much older just being surrounded by stacks of cookbooks!! I guess there are much worse things! ; )

  2. No I totally get it! Although I would have a large sofabed in there and use it as a library!! What an amazing collection. Very jealous! Thank you so much for taking part this month its good to have you back x

    1. That's my next plan! As soon as Wee One is ready for a bed he can have the double which means I can replace it with a Sofabed.... although it is possible if I do that that I will never leave the room!! Great to be back x

  3. Ha ha - madness!!!!!
    I love cookbooks but I don't think I could live with you. ;)

    1. ha ha....yes my husband has learnt to just accept it! Just as well I don't have a matching shoe collection ; )

  4. Wow! I knew you had a great collection but ... WOW! I love that you relax with a glass of wine and a cookbook for 'easy reading' ... a true foodie! This has been a fun RR to read!

    1. Thanks Susan - yes it really is quite the collection! Technically I should never need to buy another cookbook again but where is the fun in that?! In fact since it's my Birthday today I'm pretty sure I'll be adding a few more..... ; )

  5. I think that's a fantastic guest room - anyone should be proud of staying there. I'd love to sleep surrounded by lovely thoughts about food - I'd have fantastic dreams. I once stayed in a historian's guest room surrounded by academic history books (many of them about the First World War) and that was a little overwhelming to be honest.

  6. Thanks Phil! I think I would definitely go for cookbooks over History books....dreams would be much better, you just might wake up extra hungry!

  7. I would love to sleep in that guest room, but you'd never get me out for meals so it would have to have room service!!

    Sue xx
