
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tomato & Mozzarella Tart

I'm trying to work out how many different ways I can come up with serving my favourite combination of tomato, mozzarella and fresh basil! Here is just another way that I love to enjoy it in the Summer, on a crispy and flaky puff pastry tart. It makes a perfect lunch as it takes no time to make at all but you get all of the wonderful flavours.

If I have some I love to use Tapenade on this tart, but if you don't have any or don't like it then it is just as delicious with some fresh Basil Pesto or for a spicier version, my Spicy Red Pesto. Why not try them all and see which one is your favourite?!
Serves 2 for a light and delicious lunch (easily doubled)

1/2 block of puff pastry
1 tbsp Tapenade (or if you prefer you can use Pesto)
2-3 vine ripened tomatoes (if you can get them use different colours)
1-2 balls of mozzarella
Fresh basil leaves
Extra virgin olive oil for drizzling
Salt & Pepper

Flour for dusting and rolling
A little milk for brushing the edge with (optional)

Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/GM 6 and then line a baking tray with parchment paper to stop the pastry sticking.

Sprinkle a little flour over a large chopping board, or other surface and roll the pastry out so that it's about 1/4 inch thick. Carefully score a border about 1cm around the edge of the pastry then prick the inside (not the border) all over with a fork.

Spoon over the tablespoon of tapenade or pesto so that it is lightly covered then top with the sliced tomatoes and mozzarella layering alternately until the whole tart is covered (making sure to keep the border free). If you like brush a little milk over the edge of the tart.

Sprinkle with some salt and pepper then finish with a drizzle of olive oil over the top then cook in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the pastry is golden and crispy and the mozzarella is melted.

Just before serving scatter over some fresh basil leaves and if you fancy it some thinly sliced fresh chilli. Serve with a side salad and a nice cold glass of wine for the perfect Summer lunch.

*If your mozzarella is quite wet and you are worried about the pastry being soggy you can always pop it in the oven after pricking it all over with the fork and baking it for roughly 10 minutes until just starting to turn golden. Press the center down a little if it has risen then continue with the recipe as above starting by spreading over the tapenade. Finish it off in the oven for another 8-10 minutes until the cheese is golden, melted and bubbling.


  1. looks great lyndsey - I will definitely be having this for lunch tomorrow (I think I will buy the puff pastry though, it's a real pain in the backside to get right) - great post, thanks

    1. Thanks Sebby! I have to say I have never tried making my own puff pastry!! I know it is really time consuming and difficult to get right so I leave it to the experts and happily just buy it ready made!! I hope you enjoy it : )

  2. Right then! No more blog reading till after dinner time for me - licking the screen is not a sufficient substitute!

  3. heavenly!... all the flavours are there plus pastry... what more could we need in life?

    1. Thanks Dom! It is a perfect flavour combo! : )

  4. mmmm - saw this on Pinterest and had to come and take a look - fantastic!

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to pop over and check it out!
      : )

  5. At first glance I thought it's a pizza! How wrong! Love your tart. Looks healthy and pretty. Looks simpkle to make too. Would love to try one day. Thanks very much for sharing.

  6. This is one of my favorite summer flavor combos.. and I think I have pesto in the fridge. Beautiful photos

  7. It looks delicious! I just had a glut of tomatos and must try it, I think with tapenade!

  8. WOW is this a wonderful photo! I wonder if you would have a recipe for a low-calorie crust? Anita

    1. Hi Anita! Thank you so much! Off the top of my head I don't but let me do a little research and I will see what I can find! : )

  9. Thank you all so much for your lovely comments! x
