
Monday, September 1, 2014

Meal Planning Mondays Sept. 1st ~ 7th

I love long weekends.... In fact I think that Monday's should always be a holiday!! Although with it being Labour Day I don't like the idea that Summer is now technically over.... I'm hopeful that Mother Nature thinks otherwise and we see a final burst of sun before Autumn takes over!

Last week once again saw a few changes to our meal plan... The Nicoise Pasta made so much (and that was with me messing up and putting in 50 grams less pasta than suggested!) that it pretty much lasted us for 3 days! So the Risotto was pushed to Friday, Pizza was Saturday and once again Burgers were kyboshed!! This week however we are absolutely having Burgers! Seriously!!

It's a pretty exciting week as Ben starts back at preschool tomorrow (which he is so excited about) and it's Scott's Birthday on the 8th so the weekend is filled with Birthday celebrations. Tonight since it's a holiday we are treating ourselves to our favourite pasta ever - my Mushroom & Goats Cheese Ravioli. It hadn't been my intention to make that but after checking what was all in the fridge it was a natural choice since I have both Mushrooms and Goats Cheese needing eaten - total bonus and I can't wait! Tomorrow and I have more cheese needing eaten, this time Camembert so I am going to attempt Clodagh McKenna's Camembert & Tomato Tart. Unfortunately I can't find a link anywhere for it but I'll let you know how it turns out! Wednesday and after seeing it in my latest Delicious magazine I couldn't resist the Tomato, Sausage & Cannellini Bean Summer Stew. There will be a few substitutions with this one though as I have never seen Merguez sausages anywhere here and Cannellini beans are also hard to find so I'll use a different type of sausage and bean but I'm excited as it's the sort of food I love, especially when served with some delicious crusty bread to mop everything up with! Thursday and it's using up the last of the Mushrooms with a lovely, light Stroganoff although I most likely won't serve it with rice as Ben isn't a fan so perhaps pasta and a nice big salad. By Friday I just know there will be leftovers kicking around so although I don't normally like to have leftovers on a Friday night I will need a nice clean fridge for the weekend! We are starting off the Birthday celebrations by having a BBQ at a friends house as it is also his Birthday so double celebrations on Saturday! I am absolutely making Burgers(!) and I'm also going to make a big batch of Coleslaw.... Of course you can't have a party without Top Hats and Cupcakes (Ben requested Mint Chocolate and I'll make some Vanilla) so I'll be making those on Friday. Thankfully a lot of our friends are bringing dishes so dessert is all taken care of along with some other sides and starters/appies - gotta love Pot Luck Parties!! Finally on Sunday we are going for a totally different idea for our Family Birthday meal by having a giant Indian feast! I am so excited - to me there is nothing better than sitting down to about 4 or 5 different curries and having a little of each so it's going to be great!

So there you have it! Have a great week everyone with family, friends and of course, lots of good food! x

 Monday September 1st - 7th

                                  Monday  -       Mushroom & Goats Cheese Ravioli with Salad
                                  Tuesday -        Camembert & Tomato Tart (from Clodagh's Kitchen Diaries)       
                                  Wednesday -   Tomato, Sausage & Cannellini Bean Summer Stew
                                  Thursday -       Mushroom Stroganoff
                                  Friday -           Leftovers
                                  Saturday -       Birthday BBQ with Friends (Burgers & Coleslaw); 
                                  Sunday -         Birthday Meal with Family - Indian Feast! 

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