
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Under Construction!

Hello there! How are you all? I'm so sorry about my absence - it turned out to be a much bigger one than I had anticipated, but the last 2 years (yes that's how long it's really been!!!) have been full on! Full on in a good way - actually in a great way, but unfortunately just not in a way that's allowed me to blog.....and I've missed it. Not initially in all honesty as I was needing a break but now I am chomping at the bit and desperate to get back at it! However there is one problem... Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops is in need of a major, MAJOR, overhaul. What was a great start up platform is now tired and pretty sad looking and more so, not at all what I envision my blog to be like. So with some nervous anticipation I am going back to the beginning and starting over.

Unfortunately since I'm not nearly as computer savvy as I would like to be (read: not at all these days!) it is going to take some time. Looking at this little blog you probably wouldn't guess it but when it comes to things like this I'm actually a bit of a perfectionist which is why I can no longer stand to look at this blog! Everything it seems is wrong (layout, design and the terrible quality of photographs - just to get started!) so my next one - we'll call it Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops Take 2 - is going to be a labour of love and I won't be sharing it until I am completely and utterly happy with it. So I'm asking that hopefully you can bare with me a little longer for the new and improved Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops. I'm keeping my name because I still love that but I'll be updating most other parts. A lot of recipes will be transferred but some need the chop so if there are any in particular that you love and want to see transferred please let me know! My aim is to have a much more user friendly website so all future recipes will be printable. Of course I'll still be reviewing cookbooks - in fact it's my aim to review more and more as time goes on - and I plan to have a bigger focus on meal planning, but if there is anything else you would like to see please don't hesitate to let me know.

It's been a long time coming but hopefully I can get things up and running sooner rather than later! Thank you to all of you that have continued to follow along despite my absence and don't forget you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram as well for more regular updates.

Can't wait to talk to you all soon!

Lynds x

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