
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Penne Arrabiata or 'Fiery Pasta'!

Anyone that knows me knows that one of my favourite things to eat is simply pasta with a good tomato sauce (perfect example – my pasta with fresh tomato sauce), however add some heat to that tomato sauce and I'm really happy!

People say when you eat out (especially if you don't do it very often) you should try and order something that you wouldn't make at home, however I have to admit if I ever see Penne Arrabiata on the menu I am absolutely torn as I love it so much(and normally end up ordering it!)

Years ago when I was at University I was told by an Italian friend that Arrabiata literally means “fiery pasta” which I absolutely love, so feel free to make this sauce as fiery and spicy as you like! To make it more substantial you could add meat such as some spicy sausage.

2 tbsp olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1-2 fresh red chillies, de-seeded if you want it less intense, or ½ – 1tsp dried chilli flakes (depending on how hot you want it)
2 x 400ml/ 1 x 28oz tin of tomatoes
1 tsp sugar
salt and pepper
Small handful of fresh basil leaves
400 - 500g penne pasta
Extra virgin olive oil
Parmesan cheese, finely grated

In a large pan heat then oil add the garlic and chilli and cook gently for a minute before adding the tomatoes, sugar and seasoning. Simmer gently for at least 30 minutes, stirring from time to time. Check to taste the seasoning.

While the sauce is simmering cook the pasta in boiling salted water according to packet instructions. Once the pasta is al dente drain it reserving a couple of tablespoons of the cooking water. Add the water to the pasta sauce along with the pasta and stir well so that it's all evenly coated in the sauce.

Serve in either a large serving platter or in 4 individual bowls. Drizzle over some extra virgin olive oil then scatter the basil leaves on top and finally finish with a good grating of Parmesan.


  1. Thanks - I can never ever resist it!

  2. One of my faves too and yours looks delicious!

  3. I'm such a wimp when it comes to spicy foods, but I would definitely try this dish :) yum!

  4. I am the same way! I love to have heat on my pasta!

  5. This was a favorite of Adam's when he lived in Rome. Going to Trastevere and eating Arrabiata is one of his favorite food memories of his life there. A great recipe to have on hand. Thanks!

  6. A super comforting and delicious pasta! Can't go wrong with a bit of heat.

  7. Mmmm... Pasta!! This looks so inviting and delicious!

  8. this looks sooo good! It looks so fresh!!!! I just wanted to also let you know that I love your blog and want to give you the One Lovely Blog Award. You can find it on my recent post here:

  9. I'm making it tonight for my parents! Is it the one you'd have made in Edin yonks ago with S? I think it had capers in it though. I'm always trying to recreate it. You do the best pasta sauce, so this I know will be yum! Abs x

  10. Thank you everyone for all of your lovely comments! The good thing about this recipe is you can make it as spicy as you want so it's a winner all round!

    Cheryl - I've been day-dreaming of being in Rome and eating amazing Italian food ever since you sent that comment... I had to give in and im going to make pizza tonight! Since it's - 3 here and snowing it's not quite the same but I'll continue to daydream and pretend!! ; )

    Sabrina - Thank you so much and thank you especially for the award! That was so lovely of you. I'll make sure to follow the instructions for receiving it.

    Abs - I hope you all like it! The one you are thinking of was a Puttanesca I think...with capers and olives? Will try and get that one up soon as well (although if you want you could just add some capers and olives to this pasta dish!)Have a lovely evening and love to your parents and big D of course! x

  11. I love "fiery" dishes! Looks delicious!

    And I saw your comment on my blog, so you already know about the Stylish Blogger Award I have given you! I really enjoy your blog!

  12. Just the name of this dish attracts me to it. I love the Fiery part! It looks fantastic and like something our entire family would enjoy. Many thanks for the recipe.

  13. Mom Chef - my pleasure! Hope you enjoy it if you try it out :)

  14. wow, looks really yummy. Hope we can exchange links too. Thanks.
