
Monday, February 28, 2011

Classic Pancakes

When it's the weekend there's nothing nicer than having the time to sit down and have a proper, relaxed brunch. For me, one of my favourite things to have is a stack of hot, light and fluffy pancakes drizzled with warm maple syrup and topped with some crispy bacon. Add to that a glass of orange juice, a hot cappuccino and some fresh fruit and you have the perfect start to the day..... Bliss!

Makes approx. 16 pancakes

210g/ 7 ½ oz/ 1 ½ cups all-purpose or plain flour
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
400ml Milk
2 eggs
3 tbsp melted butter, cooled

To serve:
Butter (optional)
Lots of good quality, warm or room temperature maple syrup
Streaky bacon, cooked to your liking

In a large bowl mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. In a separate bowl or jug combine the milk, eggs and melted butter. Whisk well then add to the dry ingredients. Mix everything together until smooth.

Heat a griddle or frying pan then drizzle a little extra butter into your pan. Ladle some of the mixture onto your cooking surface, leaving room for them to spread. Cook for roughly 2-3 minutes until you have lots of small bubbles on the surface then flip the pancakes over and cook for another 30 seconds to a minute or until they are golden. Keep the cooked pancakes warm and continue making pancakes until you have used all of the batter. Serve with a little butter, lots of warm maple syrup and crispy bacon! The perfect start to a Saturday or Sunday!

*If you like you can add a handful of fresh blueberries to the batter for blueberry pancakes or if you are still able to get fresh pomegranates try my Pomegranate & Orange Pancakes for a change – absolutely delicious!


  1. They looks gorgeous and delicious!

  2. Yay, classic pancakes! They look delicious!

  3. The first time I ever had fluffy pancakes like this along with maple and bacon was in Canada as a teenager. The first taste was unforgettable and it was served with orange wedges. This just has to be my idea of classic heaven on a plate! Thanks, Lyndsey. Will have to get making them since mardi gras is approaching!

  4. Yes, bliss! We've just had a change of dinner plans, thanks to you! Yum!

  5. Breakfast has got to be my favourite meal! Especially pancakes and bacon! This looks fabulous, perhaps I will make pancakes tomorrow night for supper....

  6. The bacon on top made me drool... this is one of my favorite breakfast meals.

  7. I love the photo of these. They look really mouthwatering.

  8. Your pancakes look so perfect! Mine always look sad and unevenly browned. Great breakfast!

  9. Thank you everyone! I love pancakes so much and you can't beat them with maple syrup and bacon!
    Jill - It was Canada that introduced me to this way of eating pancakes as well! So good!

  10. delicious pancakes looks wonderful

  11. Wow, well done they're gorgeous, I'd never had them savoury .. well not these kind, I've had the huge thin ones we make on Pancake day but otherwise its been the traditional sugar & lemon or maple syrup. Mmm certainly look delicious, Yet, me too, I was introduced to sweet & savoury combo at Christmas by Canadians :) . . . pancakes, lots of maple syrup with tomatoes, bacon . . everything & then a swig of maple ha ha Great fun.

  12. I don't think there is anything quite as wonderful as homemade pancakes. Delish!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  13. What a great breakfast line-up, sure to please. I wasn't even there and wanting some of that bacon.

  14. Now that is the perfect classic pancake.we love making this every weekend.I followed you from the foodie blog roll and I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your site. I hope you could add this pancake widget at the end of this post so we could add you in our list of food bloggers who blogged about pancakes,Thanks!
