
Monday, March 7, 2011

Pink Champagne Truffles {And Awards Season}

Last weekend I was delighted to receive not one but two blog awards from fellow bloggers! As it turned out I was given them just as the red carpets were being unrolled in Hollywood for the Oscars so I decided it was fitting therefore to make something glamourous, chic and Oscar-worthy to honour the end of the awards season and my own first awards!

Makes roughly 16-18 truffles

225g good quality milk chocolate
15g butter
100ml double or whipping cream
Small pinch of salt (I use Maldon)
60ml pink Champagne

To decorate:
200g good quality white chocolate or cocoa powder
Pink food colouring (optional)
Edible glitter or lustre dust (optional)

Put the cream into a pan and gently heat until just before it boils.

While the cream is heating up, very finely chop the chocolate (or you can grate it if you prefer) and put into a medium sized bowl. Add the butter to the cream and stir until it melts then pour the hot cream over the chocolate stirring as you do. Continue to stir the mixture until all of the chocolate has melted and it's silky smooth. Add the salt and Champagne and stir well then pop into the fridge for 2 hours to set (or overnight if you prefer).

Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper (or you can use wax paper). Once the truffle mix is firm use either a very small ice cream scoop, a melon baller or a teaspoon and scoop out small balls. Roll quickly between your hand to get a smooth ball then place onto the baking tray. Repeat until you have used all of the mix then return to the fridge for 20 minutes.

If using, melt the white chocolate and put it into a small bowl (I normally just do it in the microwave – for 20 seconds at a time and stirring well in between, but you could always put it in a small bowl over a pan of barely simmering water if you prefer). Line a second baking tray with parchment then start dipping the truffles into the white chocolate making sure they are evenly coated. Carefully place onto the second baking tray and let set – repeat with all of the truffles.

If you like you can leave the truffles as they are but I like to sprinkle mine with some edible glitter for a final sparkling touch and with the left over white chocolate add a little pink food colouring then drizzle a little over some of the truffles.

If you would rather just dust the truffles with cocoa powder sift some cocoa onto a plate then roll the truffles in them.

Once all of the truffles are coated in the white chocolate (or cocoa) and decorated as you like, keep them chilled until you are ready to serve. Decadent, delicious and definitely Oscar-worthy!

The Awards!

Thank you so much to Sabrina from Eat Drink and be Merry for the 'Lovely Blog Award' and to Jill from Dulce Dough for the 'Stylish Blogger Award'. 

In accordance with accepting the awards there are some rules I have to follow so for the Lovely Blog Award I have to pass it on to 15 other bloggers. Whilst I admit I was a little hesitant of the whole 'passing it on' rule (don't want to be thought of in the same vein as those pesky chain mail people!!) I agree that it is a good way to give a shout out to other blogs who deserve a mention (besides I can't deny that I was delighted to have my own blog mentioned). Since there are so many amazing blogs out there it was hard to pick only 15 but I managed ; ) Below is my list – a real mix of blogs that quite simply I love to read. Some are well known, some are new – all are fantastic - I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

For the Stylish Blogger Award I have to list 7 things about myself.....hmmm not so easy, however after some thought this is what I came up with -

  1. I have a law degree (but have never practised).
  2. I have to have a cup of tea in the morning before I can function – preferably Earl Grey!
  3. My foodie guilty pleasure is tomato ketchup – I will never deny the fact that I love it and couldn't possibly eat a bacon sandwich without it!
  4. I may possibly be addicted to chillies....okay, I am addicted!
  5. I was born and raised in Scotland and lived there until I was 26. All of my family still live there and to me it will always be home, although I am now a permanent resident of Canada - my other home! (My husband is Canadian).
  6. I would love to eat my way around the world! In other words, spend a year travelling around the world eating as much as possible!
  7. My son's first name is my maiden name.
As well as that I must now pass on the 'Stylish Blogger' Award to 10 other blogs.....
Finally in following the rules of this award, I have to:
1.  Thank them, make a post, and put a link back to the person/s who gave me this award.
2.  Share 7 things about myself.
3.  Pass the award to 10 recently discovered great bloggers.
4.  Contact these bloggers and personally tell them about the award.

Done, done, done and done! Ok, so thank you again for the awards and I hope you all enjoy having a look at some new blogs.


  1. Glamorous indeed! :)
    Congratulations on your awards! You deserve them! Dropping by from foodbuzz...

  2. oh i just came by to say how pretty these truffles are... and i stumble across an award! thanks, lyndsey! these truffles would be perfect for a bridal shower... i'll have to keep them in mind for a special occasion. ;)

  3. The truffles look beautiful!! Congrats on the awards! They are well deserved!

  4. Gorgeous truffles and congrats on the awards, much deserved!

  5. They sound very delicious.. and look just adorable :)

  6. These truffles sound fantastic! Definitely award worthy in their own right!

  7. Those truffles are so great! So pretty! :-)

  8. Thanks so much for passing the award to me! I'm very honored :)

    With the truffles, did the 60mL of champagne really impart a big flavor, or was is pretty subtle?

  9. Congrats on your award. I love your truffles. I've always just rolled them in vermicilli or cocoa powder but I'll definitely be trying the choc dipping next time.X

  10. Thank you so much for the award Lyndsey! I'm honored! I appreciate your visits and lovely comments. Thanks so much!

    Love your truffles! They're so pretty and sound delicious!

  11. Your truffles are beautiful!
    And congrats on your awards! Thanks for passing one one to me! I am honored!

  12. Congratulations on your awards, well deserved! The truffles look scrummy too :)

  13. Thanks so much for the award:) Your truffles look so elegant and sound divine! I'm so glad that you enjoy my blog, and I appreciate your thoughtful comments:)

  14. Thank you! What a wonderful surprise. There is no question why you received these awards yourself. Your blog is lovely and recipes delicious! I'm honored to be in your company!

  15. Congratulations on receiving not one, but two awards! I know how good it feels since you've been so gracious to pass one to me and I'm so flattered. Thank you so much! Glad to be getting to know your blog--it's beautiful and I look forward to your posts. :-)

    PS: Your gorgeous truffles are so fitting for the awards! :-)

  16. Truffles look really tasty! Good job!

  17. Well these truffles just sound fabulous! Truffles are such a lovely treat and surprisingly easy to make.. congrats on your awards!

  18. OOH I will have to pluck up the courage to have a go at something like this. Just been reading Hope and Greenwood and thats set me off wanting to try sweet and chocolate making.


  19. Lyndsey thanks SO much for the stylish blogger award and congrats on receiving the two awards yourself! I loved reading a few facts about you, and it is so interesting that you lived in Scotland - I love Europe! :)

  20. Thank you everyone for all of your lovely comments! They are so easy to make but are such a treat! Perfect for a little self-indulgence or great as a gift. Silianah, I love your idea for a bridal shower - they are perfect for that!

    Wilde in the Kitchen - you can definitely taste the champagne but it is's not like truffles that you can buy that are really strongly flavoured with booze! You could try adding more champagne - I don't because they are already quite a soft truffle and I think the extra alcohol would make it harder for them to set...let me know if you do try them with extra champagne!

    To everyone that I passed the awards on to - it really was my pleasure : ) (And to those of you that were missed - Im sorry - I ran out of space as I was only allowed a certain number!!)

    Thanks again to all of you for reading my blog and leaving such lovely comments x

  21. Wow these truffles look amazing!

  22. Thanks so much for passing the award to me! And of course, congratulations for your awards too! These truffles look amazing!

  23. Lynds, Thanks so much for that award and right back at you! We love reading your blog and recipes, and especially love the title... so whimsical!

  24. great looking truffles; anything that has to do, even remotely, with champagne is good :))

  25. These truffles are beautiful! I love the pic of the chocolate insides! YUM!!! ♥- Katrina

  26. Gorgeous truffles! And congrats on your well deserved awards :)

  27. Seriously, they're the BEST truffles I've ever tasted!! Well done Lynds, I feel very priviledged to be chief taster!! Love Lauren

  28. Congrats on your awards! What a perfect time to receive them!! And those truffles look to die for!!!

  29. Thank you all so much!
    Cheryl & Adam - thank you for the award back! So lovely - I'm very flattered! :)

    Lauren - I am delighted to have a chief-taster! Now what can I test on you next.... ;)

  30. Congrats on your award! I'm totally loving these truffles! So fun!!!

    Great blog; happy I found you!

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls

  31. Mmmmmm Lynds, its only 7.30am but oh to have one of those to devour now. They look absolutely gorgeous, absolutely must try making them. Have you ever made your own chocolate? I was given a cocoa pod once but didn't know quite what to do with it :) Gorgeous truffles, thank you for sharing.

  32. OOO, those are SO pretty! And very feminine and glamorous too...

  33. My husband would want me to make some for him if he saw these gorgeous truffles!

  34. Love your truffles! I'll try anything made with champagne...especially if it is pink champagne!

  35. The truffles look really so pretty, I love the sparkly dust on them too!

  36. Thank you so much for the Lovely Blog Award Lynz! and Congrats on receiving your 2 !

  37. Congratulations on the awards :-) The truffles look gorgeous...if only I could have one...

  38. Thank you all so much! It means so much to me to receive your lovely comments and to in turn have a look at and read your own lovely blogs.

    Mary - I'm delighted that you found my blog as I have in turn found yours!

    Thanks everyone! : )

  39. BRAVO on the awards and love how you celebrate with the champange truffles and red carpet! It's also lovely to hear a few facts about you: didn't realise you were 26 yrs in Scotland before going to Canada. Enjoy your weekend and apologies for a late message... J x

  40. Thanks Jill!
    Have a lovely and safe weekend x

  41. Hi Lyndsey,

    I'm cooking for some friends tomorrow night and couldn't resist making these champagne truffles...first stage complete and the lovely chocolate mixture is now setting in the fridge. Your homemade pasta section has inspired me too, made my first homemade ravioli a couple of weeks ago so that's on the menu for the dinner tomorrow also. Your blog is such a treat to read and the pictures are lovely!

  42. Thank you so much Jeni!

    I hope you have a lovely evening with your friends - let me know how the meal goes! : )
