
Monday, April 30, 2012

Sweet Heat Round Up # 7 ~ Thai Food

It might be Spring but with the way the weather has been around here, it seldom feels like it, so this month's Sweet Heat challenge was perfect for transporting us to warmer, exotic climates and the beautiful aromatic tastes of Thailand. So whether you have a passport or not, with this collection of recipes you could quite easily be basking on the white beaches of Thailand, sipping coconut water and savouring the regional delights.

To whet our appetites and get things going, Nicola from 41 Feasts kept her other half (and us!) extremely happy with her Thai Spiced Prawns.

Next up and Corina from Searching for Spice recreated one of her favourite restaurant starters and made a fantastic Thai Spiced Beef Salad packed with chilli, lime and coriander for that perfect Thai salad.

Using her newly purchased and delicious curry powder, Janet from TasteSpace made a healthy and wonderful Raw Thai Pineapple Parsnip Rice.

The lovely Janice aka Farmersgirl, and Sweet Heat regular contributor treated us to her super tasty Thai Vegetable Stir Fry with Coriander Rice.

My entry for this month's challenge was one of my favourite starters for a Thai feast – Thai Fishcakes with Cucumber Dipping Sauce.

And you can't have a Thai challenge without a Thai curry appearing so I was delighted to see this beautiful Thai Green Curry from Tango Like Raindrop who was able to finally put her green curry paste to good use.

Another mouth watering and finger licking chicken recipe came courtesy of newcomer and the very lovely Dom of Belleau Kitchen fame who whisked us away to the exotic climates of Thailand with his one-pot Roasted ThaiChicken Thighs.

I was also delighted to welcome another newcomer, Jen from Juanita'sCocina, to the Sweet Heat party with her absolutely fantastic looking and super Spicy Thai Noodles....they definitely pack a spicy punch!

And finally Laura from Credit Munched ends this Thai feast with a deliciously light and aromatic Thai soup packed with Thai chillies, ginger and lime.

As always thank you so much to everyone that took part this month and check out tomorrow's post for the next challenge which is being hosted by the lovely Emma over at Souperior. As always it's going to be spicy!! Happy Cooking : )


  1. Thank you for hosting! This was a blast to participate in. I cannot wait for next month!

    1. Thank you so much for taking part! It's so much fun to try out different recipes all featuring chillies. Next month is another great theme - will be announced tomorrow : )

  2. Mmm, looks like one great roundup!

  3. Some fabulous dishes there, a few to bookmark for later delectation!

  4. Lovely round-up. Such wonderful recipes. I'm gonna have to make those fish cakes!
