
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Summers Meal on a Rainy Day....

I have to admit, recently I have been feeling in a little bit of a blogging rut. Lack of inspiration, energy and time has left me drumming my fingers on the laptop and searching my pantry aimlessly, waiting for something to jump out at me that will fill me with a delicious meal and a renewed enthusiasm to write and share. I think it happens to all of us at some point (whether you are a blogger or not), even the most diehard food enthusiast gets stuck from time to time on that age old question “what's for dinner”. Monday night was no exception. Wee One was fed and Hubby was away for the week so it was just me wondering what to eat. I scoured the fridge and decided it was time to use up the asparagus that had been sitting there for the best part of a week and so I decided to opt for a light and delicious Asparagus Soup this time adding a handful of fresh basil at the last moment for an extra fresh Summer got me thinking and my taste buds tingling. Unable to resist the idea of a soup that was warming and filling yet so light and summery I started looking at what else I had that I could eat with the soup and I came up with my new favourite Bruschetta! Grilled and lightly scorched ciabatta, soft, sweet and mellow roasted garlic topped with creamy Boursin cheese and fresh juicy vine-ripened tomatoes mixed with a crisp spring onion and lots of fresh basil. A little dried chilli added a touch of spice and I finished the whole thing off with a good pinch of Maldon salt and a drizzle of Crema di Balsamico.....heaven! It was just what I needed and so good that I knew I would be having the same thing for lunch the next all I need is a little sun and it really would feel like Summer!

Asparagus & Basil Soup

This is just my usual recipe for Asparagus soup (minus the cream) with a small handful of fresh basil leaves added in at the last moment before blitzing. The result is light, fragrant and completely delicious and the addition of the basil helps keep the soup vibrant!

My new favourite Bruschetta

{Serves 1 with extra roasted garlic – easily adapted to feed more!}

1 bulb of garlic
2-3 slices of ciabatta bread (or other crusty, chewy bread of your choice)
Drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp Boursin cheese (or if you prefer you could use a soft Goats cheese)
1 tomato, finely chopped
1 small spring onion, finely chopped
1-2 tbsp fresh basil, shredded
pinch of dried chilli flakes or ½ small red chilli, finely chopped (optional)
Good pinch of Maldon sea salt
Crema di Balsamico or good quality Balsamic Vinegar

Pre-heat your oven to 400F/ 200C.

Cut the top off the garlic - just enough to reveal the cloves, then pop onto a square of tin foil. Drizzle over a little olive oil and a small sprinkling of sea salt then wrap up and put in the oven for 40-50 minutes (depending on the size of the bulb) until golden brown, sweet and soft.

While the garlic is roasting drizzle the ciabatta(or other bread) with a little oil on both sides and toast on a griddle pan or barbecue until nicely golden and slightly charred on the edges. Remove and allow to cool.

In a small bowl mix together the chopped tomato, spring onion, basil and chilli (if using). Add a good pinch of salt and a small drizzle of fruity extra virgin olive oil.

When ready to serve squeeze the garlic out of the bulb (or if you prefer remove a clove at a time with a fork) and spread a little on each piece of the toasted ciabatta. Top with some Boursin cheese then a good spoonful or 2 of the tomato mixture. Finally finish with a drizzle of the balsamic vinegar and try to stop yourself from eating them in 30 seconds!! The perfect Summer dish.


  1. This soup does remind me of summer, yum! Live the bruschetta too!

  2. Beautiful! I would utterly love a bowl of this wonderful soup :)

  3. Thank you! I just had yet another bowl of it for lunch and even though it is pouring outside it made me happy!! : )

  4. I've been looking for a great asparagus soup recipe, and this one looks like it packs loads of flavor. Thanks!

  5. That is the perfect soup for a rainy day! The bruschetta looks fabulous too. Yum!

  6. It looks amazing I must try this! Thanks for the recpie

  7. I'm not a great lover of Asparagus but I love basil,and this looks and sounds really good especially when it is asparagus season now I really must try this. The Bruchetta looks really good as well boursin is to die for.

  8. I get like that too. Last night I could not think of what to make for dinner. I feel like a bad foodie some days. Your brushetta is gorgeous and that soup is wicked. Looks wonderful.

  9. I love asparagus in soups... and I want to try that bruschetta now - looks so good! Great post :)

  10. Wow! Not too bad at all considering you were lacking inspiration. This has turned out to be a wee gem of a meal :-)

  11. What a fab recipe, I love asparagus soup.

    You are welcome to join in my monthly food blogger event THE SOUP KITCHEN, here offering a new theme each month. All bloggers are welcome, hope to see you participate soon.

  12. I haven't had asparagus soup in forever! Such a beautiful and bright meal
