
Friday, April 20, 2012

Thai Fishcakes

Whenever I make an entire Thai feast I always like to start with these Thai Fishcakes served with a Cucumber Dipping Sauce that is refreshing and spicy at the same time! They are super easy to make (providing you have a food processor!) and always seem to be a hit, no matter who I serve them to. I love the contrasting crunch of the green beans with the soft fishcakes so I add a little more beans than you would normally expect, but if you like you can reduce the amount of beans a little.

This month's Sweet Heat Challenge is Thai Food so I thought these would be the perfect dish to share.

You can make the fishcakes in advance but I would suggest making the Cucumber Dipping Sauce no more than an hour or so before you plan to serve them so that the cucumber stays crunchy and delicious!

{Serves 4 but easily doubled}

500g sustainable white fish of your choice
1 tbsp red Thai curry paste
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp ginger, finely grated
2 fat spring onions, roughly chopped
2-3 lime leaves, finely sliced
1 tbsp lime juice
75g green beans, topped & tailed and finely chopped
2 tbsp coriander/ cilantro, roughly chopped
peanut or other mild oil, for shallow frying

Sweet chilli sauce to serve (optional)
Lime wedges

Cucumber Dipping Sauce:
½ cucumber
60g/ 2oz sugar
125ml water
60ml rice wine vinegar
2 tsp ginger, peeled & finely grated
½ tsp salt
1 red chilli, finely sliced (removed seeds for milder taste)
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
1-2tbsp fresh coriander/cilantro, roughly chopped

To make the Cucumber Dipping Sauce 'peel' the cucumber using a vegetable peeler into long thin strips (alternatively use a mandolin or slice as finely as you can with a sharp knife), until you get to the seeds. Rotate the cucumber and repeat the process until you just have the core left which you can discard. Put the cucumber strips into a bowl and set aside.

In a small pan combine the sugar, water, vinegar, ginger and salt. Heat without boiling until the sugar is completely dissolved then allow to cool slightly before pouring over the cucumber. Add the chilli, spring onions and coriander and leave to completely cool.

Cut the fish into rough chunks then put into the food processor with the curry paste, fish sauce, ginger, spring onions, lime leaves and lime juice. Process until everything is evenly mixed and it forms a smooth paste. Transfer the mixture to a bowl then add the finely chopped beans and coriander and mix until everything is combined evenly.

When ready to cook the fishcakes heat the oil in a large frying pan. While the oil is heating make the fishcakes.

I like to use my medium sized ice cream scoop so they are all the same size but you could easily just take heaped tablespoons then roll them into a ball. Flatten them slightly before carefully adding to the hot oil in batches. Cook for a few minutes on each side until golden brown and cooked through. Remove with a slotted spoon and set onto a plate lined with kitchen paper. Cook the remaining fish cakes then serve while still hot with the Cucumber Dipping Sauce and some extra wedges of lime.

*If you would like to take part in this month's Sweet Heat Challenge, you have until April 27th to submit your entry.


  1. Yum! Love the addition of green beans. Fishcakes can sometimes be a little so-so texture wise, plus I'm always trying to up the family's veg intake.
    This will definitely be on the menu soon (and I'm so looking forward to everyone's Sweet Heat posts this month - Thai is one of my favourite foods)

  2. These fishcakes look amazing! And I love the cucumber dipping sauce that goes along with them =)

  3. These sound so tasty! And so different! Thanks for the great recipe!

  4. I adore Thai Fishcakes... so thanks for the recipe... I am making thai chicken tomorrow... cant wait!

  5. Oh my! This is perfect outdoor eating too. I can't wait until the sun comes out! (At the moment we're in galoshes!)

  6. Thanks everyone! I'm such a huge fan of Thai food and all the exotic fragrant flavours. These fish cakes are super easy and really tasty and I love the Cucmber Dipping Sauce and could (and do!) quite easily eat it on it's own!!

  7. mmm...these look so tasty. Great flavour combinations!

  8. Great looking Thai fishcakes. I agree with you the crunchyness of beans make the fishcakes even better. I'd love to take part in your monthly Sweet Heat. I'll have a go in May? GG

  9. was going to make soemthing similar the other day, adore fishcakes with a thai twist. I made a delicious Thai massaman curry last night, flavours were amazing!

    1. Yum! Sounds so good - I love Massaman curry! You should enter it in this month's Sweet Heat Challenge : )

  10. Looks very fragrant. Delicious. I've never made these but often thought about after eating them at the local Thai.
    Thanks for sharing your recipe :-)

  11. There's something about the title that is always a little off putting for me, personally. However, these look so beautiful they might just be worth the try. Looks fantastic!
