
Monday, July 11, 2011

And the Winner Is.........

Well we did it – I reached over 200 Facebook Fans! Thank you to everyone that helped and a big hello to all of my new followers – both on Facebook, my blog and Twitter. It has been great fun and I've really enjoyed hearing from you all! I hope you continue to enjoy Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops – I've got some great new recipes coming up so stayed tuned!

And now to the important stuff! As promised as a thank you to everyone that follows my blog I held my first giveaway! I combined all of the Followers from Facebook including Pages that like Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops with my Google Friends Connect Followers and everyone that re-tweeted the giveaway to get a grand total of 326 (!). I used to pick the number and I am delighted to announce that the winner of the beautiful cookbook, Citrus and Spice by Sybil Kapoor goes to..........

{Drum roll please..........}

Number 163..........

Carla N' Kyle Wilkinson!

Carla N' Kyle can you please email me your address to so that I can get the book into the post for you as soon as possible! Congratulations and thank you again to everyone!

{Apologies – when I tried to get the widget I messed up and lost it so you're going to have to take my word for it with the winning number!}