
Friday, July 8, 2011

Frozen Strawberry Daiquiris

About a month after I bought my ice cream maker I discovered another great new use for it – frozen cocktails! It produces delicious frozen drinks in 25 minutes – what more could you want on a Friday night! If you don’t have an ice cream maker but want the same consistency simply freeze a batch up a day earlier omitting the alcohol which you can add just before you serve it, and if that still seems like too much work or advanced preparation, for an easy and immediate frozen drink, mix everything in a blender with lots of ice – it won’t be quite as good, but good nevertheless!

600g cleaned & hulled strawberries (approx. 500g after hulled)
125 - 150ml sugar syrup*
3 juicy limes (you will need 6tbsp of juice) plus 1 lime for garnish
200ml white rum (such as Bacardi)

Roughly chop the strawberries and add to a blender along with the sugar syrup and lime juice. Taste to check the balance of sweet and sour is ok then put in an ice cream maker and churn (according to your instructions) for roughly 25 minutes. Add the rum and churn for another minute or so until it is even mixed then serve immediately in cocktail glass with a slice of lime.

*As mentioned in my post for Limeade, in the summer I always tend to have a jar of sugar syrup in my fridge as I use it for so many different drinks. To make it, simply combine equal quantities of sugar and water (I usually do 1 cup of sugar and the same of water) in a pan and bring to a gentle simmer. Once all the sugar has dissolved let it cool and use as needed.


  1. What a great idea! I've never thought of using the make for drinks, but why not?? Yes please!!!

  2. I have been debating on getting a new ice cream maker and you might have just sold me on the idea!!

  3. Happy Friday to you too! These look so delicious, I think I'll leave work now and make one :)

  4. This is fantastic idea..looks great and refreshing!!!

  5. I am always ordering these when I go out but have never tried making them at home. I guess its time for happy hour-after I get the blender out!

  6. A perfect way to use up strawberries after a day of picking!! a great Friday night treat!

  7. ok, if you insist I will have a strawberry daiquiri. It would be rude to say no.

  8. What a lovely way to start the weekend especially on those hot summer evenings!

  9. Wish I would have come across this post before girl's night kicked off. I will need to save this for the next get together. Yummy!

  10. Thanks everyone!! It's definitely a good way to use and ice cream maker and an excellent way to start the weekend! Hope you all have a great weekend : )

  11. How did I miss this? Gosh, it's Monday. I guess I'll just have to start the week with it instead :-)
    What a brilliant idea: never thought about using the ice-cream machine to make these beauties. They look incredible!

  12. that's looks really cool :) chill out

  13. Frozen Cocktails in the ice cream maker! What a great idea! These look wonderfully refreshing!

  14. Thanks!

    To be honest its like making a sorbet you just add the alcohol at the end which thins it down and makes it taste even better!

    Jill - I think I almost like the idea of Monday cocktails even more so than Friday!!! : )
