
Wednesday, July 6, 2011


As previously mentioned, as a thank you to everyone that follows my blog I have my first ever giveaway! For one of you lucky readers you can win a copy of the beautiful book, Citrus and Spice by Sybil Kapoor. This seasonal book is divided into months, with each month featuring a specific flavour which pairs perfectly with available monthly seasonal ingredients. January is matched with the clean and refreshing tastes of citrus, perfect after the over-indulgence of December. All months follow suit with chapters dedicated to Cream, Floral, Fruit and Spice, along with some more interesting flavours such as Ozone, Earth, Toast and Smoke (see if you can guess the themes to the correct months!).

Beautiful recipes are accompanied by irresistible photographs that make you want to try them all. It was hard to narrow it down since there are so many delicious recipes but some of my favourites are Raspberry Rosewater Ice Cream; Barbecued Pork with Chinese Spiced Plum Sauce; Chargrilled Soy Chilli Chicken; Buckwheat Pancakes with Apples and Calvados Cream and Toasted Tea Cakes – to name a few!

For your chance to win this stunning book all you have to do is one of the following:

Re-tweet this competition on Twitter for an additional entry (and send me a quick message to say you've done so)

There - that easy! As soon as I reach 200 followers on Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops Facebook page I will randomly pick a number from all of the Facebook followers and blog followers combined. To enter more than once simply follow both my Facebook page and the blog and if you are a twitterer re-tweet!

*To all of you that are already followers you are already entered into the competition but please feel free to mention it to any family and friends that you think would enjoy reading Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops.

Thanks everyone – let's get 200 followers (not many more are needed!)

**This competition is open to everyone.

*This giveaway is now closed*


  1. Happy to have found your blog and this generous giveaway through Foodbuzz. I LIKED your page on Facebook.

  2. Looking forward to seeing what else you're cooking up in the kitchen. I'm your newest FOLLOWER!

  3. Thanks Pretend Chef! You are now entered into the giveaway twice! Good luck : )

  4. What a great giveaway!! I'm already a google friend connect follower but I'm now am a facebook fan as well! Best of luck to you reaching 200 fans!! :)

  5. I also re-tweeted this giveaway out on twitter! :)

  6. I'd love to add this book to my collection! :)
    I already like you on Facebook!

  7. Thanks Kelly! You are now entered into the giveaway 3 times!

    Best of luck! : )

  8. Kate - it really is a beautiful book! Good luck! : )

  9. following you lovely giveaway

  10. It sounds like a fantastic blog. I now follow you with google friends connect.

  11. I've retweeted this too.

  12. Thanks everyone and good luck to you all!! Hopefully we will get to the target soon!

    Corina - thanks for the retweet! For some reason you're not showing up on Google Friends Connect as a follower....are you under a different name that Im missing? Maybe re-try and let me know if you have any problems! Good luck! : )

  13. I'm your newest followe! Love the blog.

  14. I've followed and Liked your FB page. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. Looks like a lovely book.

    I've liked you on FB and would have followed your blog, but gadget not working - again!

  16. Good luck everyone!

    Choclette - how frustrating! Do you think it's my blog thats causing the problems?

  17. I like you on facebook and i follow you ;)

  18. I tweeted your giveaway! (@Valouth)


  19. Great giveaway - looks like a wonderful book!

  20. Thank you to everyone that is now following Vanilla Clouds & Lemon Drops! The giveaway is now closed and the winner announced above.

    Thank you all so much and Congratulations to Carla! : )
